The lives and loves of a group of young adults living in "Melrose Place" in California. Each with their own dreams and drives, the inevitable conflicts, conquests, and consummations ensue...Amanda accompanies Rory to the Dominican Republic to marry him, unaware of his plan to murder her to get his hands on her money for his shady business deals. Back in Los Angeles, Kyle continues wooing Taylor, believing that she can clear Amanda of the blame still plaguing her for the apparent suicide of Christine. Meanwhile, Peter tells the hospital psychiatrist, Dr. Louis Visconti, that he still has feelings for Amanda despite being with Lexi. Cooper and Megan return to Los Angeles after Cooper's failed job offer in Philadelphia to find Michael moving back into the...Michael follows Megan to her home where she grew up at a horse ranch in upstate California and meets her long-estranged mother and invalid father. In Los Angeles, Kyle and Ryan's reunion appears short-lived due to Ryan's meddling in Kyle and Amanda's pasts. Meanwhile, Amanda asks Jane to approach Alex, Jane's ex-flame, to become an ad client. While Peter is in the hospital recovering after Amanda accidentally shoots him while searching her apartment for the missing page from Matt's journal, Lexi takes an interest in his psychiatrist, Dr. Lou Visconti, hoping to find...
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