"Millennium" is a Swedish television series based on the film trilogy of Stieg Larsson's 'Millennium' series...Emotionally scarred but technologically brilliant, computer hacker, Lisbeth Salander (Noomi Rapace), decides to help Mikael Blomkvist (Michael Nyqvist), the inquisitive journalist of the radical magazine Millennium, shed light on the unaccountable disappearance of Harriet Vanger (Ewa Fröling) who's been missing for forty long years. As Mikael and Lisbeth go through piles of archives, newspapers, and photos with suspects to unearth the dark and ugly secrets of the cryptic Vanger's, a well-planned conspiracy dating back to the 1970's begins to unravel, and no one is safe. More and more, as incriminating circumstantial evidence points to Lisbeth, the suffocating stranglehold of the police tightens, and Mikael, more than ever, must summon up every last ounce of courage to unearth a monumental government cover-up and the sinister machinations of corrupt jackals who are all hell-bent on silencing Lisbeth for good. What will it take to clear the name of Lisbeth Salander, the girl who kicked the hornets' nest?
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