The adventures of a team of misfit superheroes who fight crime for a scientific think tank...Dr. Hayes and Lincoln (Kevin Peter Hall) are researchers in biological oddities for the Humanidyne company. When they find a man still alive after being frozen for 50 years, their greedy boss fires them and takes the Iceman to use for military experiments. Left without jobs, Hayes and Lincoln decide to get a group of "freaks" (including a telekinetic 17-year-old and a rock guitarist who shoots lightning from his hands) together to rescue the Iceman and stop their boss' reckless experiments...When a fellow scientist of Dr. Hayes (Dean Paul Martin) takes a bunny from the test lab she broke into, the Misfits are faced with a race against time to stop the outbreak of a deadly new plague...When Billy attempts to break the world record for staying awake, he begins to have hallucinations concerning his past adventures. He finds himself in an alternate reality where all his friends have different personalities and different jobs...Billy Hayes is arrested on suspicion of treason when he is found holding a blender that contains a top-secret defense computer chip...
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