The outrageous 'Ninth Season' of 'Modem Family' revolves around the blended Pritchett-Dunphy-Tucker clan, headed by Jay Pritchett. Jay and his vivacious second wife Gloria are raising their young son Joe and Gloria's college-bound son Manny. Meanwhile, Jay's grown daughter Claire and her husband Phil are becoming empty-nesters...while Claire's brother Mitchell and his husband Cameron fumble through nurturing their gifted daughter Lily. Together these three unique households give us a hilarious look into the warm, sometimes comical embrace of the modern family.
This disc includes the following episodes:
1. Lake Life
2. The Long Goodbye
3. Catch of the Day
4. Sex, Lies & Kickball
5. It's the Great Pumpkin, Phil Dunphy
6. Ten Years Later
7. Winner Winner Turkey Dinner
8. Brushes with Celebrity
Disc 2:
This disc includes the following episodes:
9. Tough Love
10. No Small Feet
11. He Said, She Shed
12. Dear Beloved Family
13. In Your Head
14. Written in the Stars
15. Spanks for the Memories
16. Wine Weekend
Disc 3:
This disc includes the following episodes:
17. Royal Visit
18. Daddy Issues
19. CHiPs and Salsa
20. Mother!
21. The Escape
22. Clash of Swords
- Special Features
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