I think its an interesting subject matter, and can be very touching. its good to see people overcoming difficulties by relying on their friends.
And AA is a fantastic programme that really works , its not group therapy , it isn't people sitting around talking about their feelings, its people talking about how they work the steps of the programme. I've seen some very macho men fit in very well and recover from addiction and keep their dignity fully intact.
Just my usual gripe that in any tv show now the women ALL have to be bitches to men. This isn't empowering its deeply unhealthy, and unrealistic, especially in the working class! The message appears to be; if you reject the nasty patriarchy then the women all become castrating nightmares !! NOT TRUE.
How about the intensely radical idea of decent human beings treating each other with respect.
Also great to see sets represent realistic apartments. It is bizarre that usually everyone on film is living in an amazing huge victorian style house, in very exclusive areas , even in cop shows.
Take something like fleabag that is supposed to be so right on , her parents basically live in bishops avenue! in a house that would be about £20 mill. is it supposed to make us feel inadequate? socially ascendant? alienated? its not like small flats cant be decorated properly! Break these wierd rules and you have yourself much better quality programming.