"Mr Benn" is a character created by David McKee in the early 70's and went on to become a household name after appearing in several children's books and an animated television series transmitted by the BBC for over thirty years. Mr Benn's adventures take on a familiar pattern...Mr Benn, an ordinary man wearing a business suit and bowler hat, leaves his house at 52 Festive Road and visits a fancy-dress costume shop where he is invited by the moustachioed, fez-wearing shopkeeper to try on a particular outfit. He leaves the shop through a magic door at the back of the changing room and enters a world appropriate to his costume, where he has an extraordinary adventure. Eventually the shopkeeper re-appears to lead him back to the changing room, where his normal life resumes. Mysteriously he finds he is left with a small souvenir of his magical adventure.
Zoo Keeper Mr Benn helps the animals in the zoo to improve their accommodation by making the townsfolk see that the cages are too small.
Wizard Mr Benn is asked by a Queen to change her husband's appearance, feeling he is not Kingly enough. However, the spells cast by Mr Benn do not turn out as expected and Mr Benn eventually convinces the Queen that how the King looks is not important.
Clown The circus people are due to perform at a town on the other side of a fast-flowing river, but there is no bridge. Mr Benn suggests that they all work together to build a bridge.
Magic Carpet Mr Benn helps a boy outwit an evil man with the aid of the magic carpet that came with his costume and a little magic courtesy of a genie in a bottle.
Pirate Mr Benn helps the crew of a pirate ship - who are determined not to be pirates - turn their Captain into an honest man and see that he gets a very different sort of treasure for his island.
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