The fascinating story of an extraordinary mission to the Antarctic on board HMS Endurance, the Royal Navy's sole ice patrol ship...
Return to the Ice We begin with HMS Endurance breaking through ice off the Antarctic Peninsula. She's the Royal Navy's sole ice patrol ship tasked with keeping an eye on the British Antarctic Territory and carrying out ground breaking scientific work. She can reach parts of Antarctica no other ship can and her two helicopters can penetrate deep into the frozen interior. Every Antarctic summer from November through to March she plies these dangerous waters. As the crew enjoy the view of the ice from the ship's focsule little do they realise that this year will be very different - in just a few weeks time a sudden and unexpected accident will bring Endurance to the brink of disaster. Many of them will be lucky to survive.
Frozen World Endurance has arrived at Yankee Harbour on Greenwich Island in Antarctica. Cruise ships occasionally stop here to visit the Gentoo penguin colony on the beach but the bay has not been properly surveyed and there is a risk that a ship may run aground. Endurance is setting up a boat camp, a small team of surveyors will be left alone on the island for 10 days to chart the harbour. They will be totally self-supporting so if something goes wrong Endurance may be many hundreds of miles away.
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