Rent Nosferatu: The Vampyre (1979)

3.7 of 5 from 199 ratings
1h 47min
Rent Nosferatu: The Vampyre (aka Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
  • General info
  • Available formats
It is 1850 in the beautiful, perfectly kept town of Wismar. Jonathan Harker (Bruno Ganz) is about to leave on a long journey over the Carpathian Mountains to finalise real estate arrangements with a wealthy nobleman. His wife Lucy (Isabel Adjani) begs him not to go and is troubled by a strong premonition of danger. Despite her warnings, Jonathan arrives four weeks later at a large, gloomy castle. Out of the mist appears a pale wraith-like figure with a shaven head and deep sunken eyes who identifies himself as Count Dracula (Klaus Kinski) The events that transpire slowly convince Harker that he is in the midst of a vampire.
What he doesn't know, however, is the magnitude of danger he, his wife and his town are about to experience as victims of the Nosferatu.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Stefan Husar,
Werner Herzog, Michael Gruskoff, Daniel Toscan du Plantier
Werner Herzog
Henning von Gierke
Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht
Anchor Bay
Classics, Horror
Films to Watch If You Like..., Holidays Film Collection, Nosferatu Times Three, Top 10 Films By Year, Top 10 Films of 1979, Top 10 Golden Bear Winners, Top 10 Screen Kisses (1896-1979), Top Films, What to Watch Next If You Liked Dracula

1979 Berlinale Silver Bear For An Outstanding Single Achievement #2

Release Date:
Run Time:
107 minutes
English LPCM Stereo
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.85:1
  • Theatrical trailer
  • Talent biographies
  • Audio commentary by Wewrner Herzog and Norman Hill
  • 'The Making Of Nosferatu The Vampyre' Featurette
  • US and Spanish theatrical trailers
Release Date:
Run Time:
107 minutes
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, English LPCM Mono, German DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, German LPCM Mono
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.66:1
BLU-RAY Regions:
  • Feature-length Audio Commentary with Wemer Herzog
  • On-set documentary (1979,13 mins): promotional film featuring candid interviews with Wemer Herzog and Klaus Kinski
  • Original Theatrical Trailer
  • Stills Gallery
  • Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (Les Blank, 1980, 21 mins)
  • Guardian lecture with Werner Herzog (1988, 83 mins, audio only)
  • The South Bank Show: Werner Herzog (Jack Bond, 1982, 56 mins)

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Reviews (2) of Nosferatu: The Vampyre

Nosferatu The Vampyre (1979) - Nosferatu: The Vampyre review by NP

Spoiler Alert

The original ‘Nosferatu (1922)’ remains one of the greatest early films. However, possibly feeling that some aficionados might be put off by the understandably scratchy quality, German director Werner Herzog set about recreating the atmosphere original.

For the pivotal character of Dracula, or Count Orlok, Herzog cast his friend, the mighty Klaus Kinski, who brings an incredible haunted intensity to a role that seemed to be made for him. Whether staring longingly at Harker’s bleeding hand, or his bride Lucy, or snapping into inhuman speed due to his bloodlust, Kinski shines like a beacon in every single scene. It truly is an unearthly performance, he is probably the creepiest vampire of them all.

There were two versions shot of this; an English and a German version. Perhaps because English is not the actors’ native tongue, only Kinski emerges with a believable performance. Other members of the cast do well to sustain the slightly ‘removed’ atmosphere vital to such a dreamlike horror, but the acting does occasionally stray into wooden territory.

And yet everything else is wonderfully ethereal. Harker’s journey, Dracula’s arrival by boat at the Varna seaport, the infestation of plague rats, the vibrant but desolate town, the choice of location and architecture … all these things come together to make a truly spooky film. Happily, the ending doesn’t strive to placate the viewer, as Harker – one of the few survivors of the story – begins to look a little unwell.

2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.

Too Artsy - Nosferatu: The Vampyre review by MS

Spoiler Alert

I've never seen the original Nosfaratu, so I don't know how it compares to this one, but this remake is not a good film, in my opinion. I rented this film because I thought it would be a scary vampire film, and instead it was an artsy Terrence Mallick-style film. The vampire isn't scary (which is ironic, given how scary he looks). The positives from the film are: beautiful locations (which are shot beautifully); the visual effects (including the make-up); and the acting is excellent (especially Renfield).

I'm quite afraid of rats, so they were the scariest part of this vampire film! Do not watch this film if you have a phobia of rats!

0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.

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