Moving film
- Nowhere Special review by TH
This may be low budget but everything from the directing to the acting is spot on. James Norton does a great job as a dying father only wanting to make sure his son is looked after when he's gone. This isn't at all soppy but feels very raw. Daniel Lamont is a great child actor too who acts just like a kid that age would.
Overall maybe wouldnt watch again but it's a well made film with heart.
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
- Nowhere Special review by ch
a most heart breaking tale which is well acted, and will bring a tear to anyone with a soul, James Norton gives his role authenticity
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TV drama
- Nowhere Special review by HM
A one hour tv drama dragged and padded out to movie length. Give it a miss if you want entertaining. This story doesn't belong on film and I doubt it has got a cinema release which is all you need to know.
0 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
A spellbinding, devastating, brilliant film - but get your tissues at the ready
- Nowhere Special review by giantrolo
What a spellbinding, devastating, brilliant film! Based on a true story, this is a proper tear jerker that is pretty much guaranteed to tug at your heart strings as the story unfolds. Brilliantly acted by the marvellous James Norton (the best villain, Tommy Lee Royce) and the startling new talent of Daniel Lamont. Very highly recommended!
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Superb Northern Irish film based on true story
- Nowhere Special review by DL
Fantastic but heart breaking story based on true events. James Norton deserves to be nominated for awards and the child actor is unbelievable. If this doesn't tug on your heart strings there is no hope for you!
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Tender Drama
- Nowhere Special review by GI
A tender, beautifully played film that could have been mawkish but manages, due to the fantastic performances, to be an intimate and sad drama about the love of a father for his young son. James Norton is John, a window cleaner and single father to his toddler Michael (Daniel Lamont). John is dying of brain cancer and with no family is desperately trying to find a suitable family to look after Michael when he's gone. Social Services are helping him but John's also desperately trying to shield Michael from the reality of the situation. Norton's performance has real depth and empathy, he nicely underplays it avoiding the trap of cliché. Daniel Lamont as little Michael is a natural. Admittedly some of the prospective new parents that John sees are a bit cartoonishly awful but overall this is a remarkable story of a selfless parent desperate to give his son the very best life. A quite lovely film.
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A fairly by-the-numbers end of life film with a good James Norton performance
- Nowhere Special review by Timmy B
A small micro-budget film with a good central performance. James Norton is very watchable and does his best, but also once the credits roll, you won't remember too much about it. The child actor, Daniel Lamont, is also very good.
The roll call of different prospective families for Michael gives a snapshot into the many choices and worries that parents in that situation face. As someone who has never been in that position/is adopted, it's not something I massively relate to but absolutely respect the feelings of someone who is.
I do wish it could have had a bigger impact for me, but it is like many films in this vein: a small film with very good intentions that does some things right and a cast who do their best. Perfectly watchable and not too long
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