This is when Only Fools and Horses really stepped up a gear (1989). The episodes went from 30 minute slots to 50 minutes, and the situations that the two brothers plus their Uncle Albert found themselves in became priceless.
Yuppy Love has Rodney meeting Cassandra for the first time and Del falling over in the wine-bar (yep, it's that one). Danger UXD is about a dodgy consignment of blow-up dolls that fell off the back of Denzil's lorry. Chain Gang has all the regulars (Trigger, Boycie, Mike) plus our three heroes falling for a con-trick from an ex-jeweller. The Unlucky Winner Is... has to be one of the funniest TV comedy moments ever. Rodney wins a trip to Spain by entering a painting competition ("Del, I never entered this competition"), but as the painting was done when he was 14, he has to go skateboarding with the other members of the Groovy Gang while Del and Cassandra pretend to be his doting parents. Sickness and Wealth sees Del become ill through his yuppy lifestyle ("Lunch is for Wimps"), and Elsie Partridge host a seance. And the final episode, Little Problems, has Rodney marrying Cassandra whilst Del gets beaten up by the Driscoll Brothers. The extra twenty minutes per episode suddenly meant the scripts could fit a lot more in. Each episode seems to include far better stories than the half-hour slots we were used to. It didn't get better than this...