Rent Out 1 (1971)

4.0 of 5 from 57 ratings
14h 45min
Rent Out 1 (aka Out 1, noli me tangere) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
  • General info
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"Out 1" is a very precise picture of post May 1968 malaise - when Utopian dreams of a new society had crashed and burned, radical terrorism was starting to emerge in unlikely places and a great many other things. Two marginals who don't know one another stumble into the remnants of a "secret society": Colin, a seemingly deaf-mute who all of a sudden begins to talk and Frederique, a con artist working the "short con" (stealing drinks and tricking men who think she's a hooker out of their money). Meanwhile, there are two theater groups rehearsing classic Greek dramas: "Seven Against Thebes" and "Prometheus Bound".
A member of the Moretti group passes a note to Leaud about "The 13" which sends Leaud on a search for "The 13". His search brings him eventually to Bulle Ogier's shop in Les Halles "L'Angle du Hasard". Berto follows much the same path when she steals a cachet of letters from Jacques Doniol-Valcroze and tries to get money from their owners for their return...
, , Karen Puig, , , , , , Bernadette Onfroy, Edwine Moatti, , , , , Jean-Pierre Bastid, Urbain Dia Mokouri, Jacques Prayer, , ,
Danièle Gégauff, Stéphane Tchalgadjieff
Jacques Rivette, Suzanne Schiffman, Honoré de Balzac
Out 1, noli me tangere
Arrow Academy
TV Classics, TV Dramas
A Brief History of Film..., What We Were Watching in 1971
Release Date:
Run Time:
885 minutes
French Dolby Digital 1.0
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.37:1
Colour and B & W
  • The Mysteries of Paris: Jacques Rivette s Out 1 Revisited a brand-new feature length documentary by Robert Fischer and Wilfried Reichart containing interviews with actors Bulle Ogier, Michael Lonsdale and Hermine Karagheuz, cinematographer Pierre-William Glenn, assistant director Jean-François Stévenin and producer Stéphane Tchalgadjieff, as well as rare archival interviews with actors Jacques Doniol-Valcroze and Michel Delahaye, and director Jacques Rivette
  • Scenes from a Parallel Life: Jacques Rivette Remembers archive interview with the director, in which he discusses Duelle (une quarantaine), Noroît (une vengeance) and Merry-Go-Round, featuring additional statements from Bulle Ogier and Hermine Karagheuz
  • Brand-new interview with critic Jonathan Rosenbaum, who reported from the sets of both Duelle (une quarantaine) and Noroît (une vengeance)
Disc 1:
This disc includes episodes 1 - 2
Disc 2:
This disc includes episodes 3 - 4
Disc 3:
This disc includes episodes 5 - 6
Disc 4:
This disc includes episodes 7 - 8
- The Mysteries of Paris
Release Date:
Run Time:
885 minutes
French LPCM Mono
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.37:1
Colour and B & W
BLU-RAY Regions:
  • The Mysteries of Paris: Jacques Rivette s Out 1 Revisited a brand-new feature length documentary by Robert Fischer and Wilfried Reichart containing interviews with actors Bulle Ogier, Michael Lonsdale and Hermine Karagheuz, cinematographer Pierre-William Glenn, assistant director Jean-François Stévenin and producer Stéphane Tchalgadjieff, as well as rare archival interviews with actors Jacques Doniol-Valcroze and Michel Delahaye, and director Jacques Rivette
  • Scenes from a Parallel Life: Jacques Rivette Remembers archive interview with the director, in which he discusses Duelle (une quarantaine), Noroît (une vengeance) and Merry-Go-Round, featuring additional statements from Bulle Ogier and Hermine Karagheuz
  • Brand-new interview with critic Jonathan Rosenbaum, who reported from the sets of both Duelle (une quarantaine) and Noroît (une vengeance)
Disc 1:
This disc includes episodes 1 - 2
Disc 2:
This disc includes episodes 3 - 4
Disc 3:
This disc includes episodes 5 - 6
Disc 4:
This disc includes episodes 7 - 8
- The Mysteries of Paris

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