The series revolves around Evie Ethel Garland (Maureen Flannigan), who is the daughter of Troy (Burt Reynolds) and Donna (Donna Pescow) Garland...It's Evie's sixteenth birthday. Troy informs Evie that she gets a choice of one of the top ten Antarian powers. She has the opportunity to try them out before making her decision at midnight...Beano (Joe Alaskey) is staying with Evie while Donna is away. She finds Grandpa Zelig's (Tom Bosley)'s shaving kit with an Anterian hair restorer inside. When it works, Beano calls America's most popular consumer reporter, to get an endorsement so they can become rich...When Chris (Steve Burton) gets turned down by his 'legacy' college, he joins the Marines and quickly finds out that it was a mistake. Evie and Donna try to help him get discharged...
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