Set in the year 2199, a young woman who has lost everything finds a new life at Earth's Space Training Academy where she learns to defend the galaxy from intergalactic threats...After the death of her parents, Jax (Priscilla Quintana) matriculates at the Fleet Training Academy on Earth where she learns to defend the Galaxy from intergalactic threats, and makes a shocking discovery about her own identity...When Xander (Oliver Dench) enlists Jax on a dangerous mission in which she must rekindle a relationship with an old flame, Xander, must confront his own feelings for Jax and question if all orders are meant to be obeyed...Jax and Xander must confront Tierney (Tina Casciani) to stop her sinister plans for galactic domination; Atria's (Raechelle Banno)'s grassroots movement on Adar to run for Seeker may have serious consequences for the clones as well as her friends...
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