Ash, as per usual, messes up a play rehearsal, which makes Gallade (the star Pokemon) unconscious. Ash's Hawlucha and the "Shiny" Hawlucha need to put aside their differences and work together...Hiyoku City holds an annual festival to celebrate the bond between trainer and Pokémon. However when Satoshi has trouble deciding on a present for his Pokémon, Serena helps inspire him on their shopping trip...After observing the talents and skills of Laverre Gym Leader Valerie in action, it's time for Ash to challenge her for his sixth Kalos Gym badge! First, Valerie's Sylveon is up against Ash's Fletchinder. Ash gets the first win-as Sawyer takes notes. Valerie next sends out Spritzee, who gains the speed advantage by using Trick Room and knocks Fletchinder out. The score is now one to one! Ash sends in Hawlucha. Ash is victorious Sawyer really wants Ash to teach him how to battle with the same unique brand of creativity and power. Ash promises to battle Sawyer later by...
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