While on vacation in the Alola region, Ash and Pikachu discovers and enrolls in the island Pokemon school...Ash and Pikachu have decided to enroll in the Pokémon School. One day, their classmates decide to hold a surprise welcome party for them. But in the middle of this excited party, Tapu Koko, the Pokémon known as the island's guardian deity, shows up...Professor Kukui gives Ash an intelligent Rotom Pokédex that is capable of human speech. Ash goes to find and catch his first Pokémon in Alola, but he instead encounters Team Rocket, who are aided by a wild Mimikyu that despises Pikachu...The egg has hatched into an Alolan Vulpix immediately followed by Samson Oak's egg hatching into a Kanto Vulpix. Everyone suggests that Lillie looks after the Alolan Vulpix nicknamed Snowy and despite her fear catches it...
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