Plagued by gambling debts, tax troubles, and a psychotic ex-girlfriend, criminal defense lawyer Keegan Deane (Greg Kinnear) represents a notorious serial killer who's recanted his confession, threatening to bring down the storied LAPD detective who put him behind bars ten years earlier...As he's representing a trio of young Amish men who attacked a church elder, Keegan (Greg Kinnear) uses Scarlet (Necar Zadegan) and Ben's (John Ortiz) recommitment ceremony to woo an attractive car service driver with a penchant for older men...Keegan must use a highly unusual tactic to defend a new client and his mother, who both confess to committing the same murder, in order to protect the other. Meanwhile, as a result of Finn's school auction, Keegan is stuck with Louis, an annoying boy whose father was the only bidder on the "A Day with a Lawyer" auction item. Also, Keegan discovers that Mikki is dating someone he knows...
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