Just finished watching Reeker and while im still buzzing from the experience thought I would write my thoughts down.ryems preety straight forward,a group of teen friends are off to area 52 some sort of festival on highway 90.Guess what?Yep.There car breaks down at a motel and they are forced to stay the night.From there on in its typical stuff.Filmed in the same sort of style as The Hills have eyes and Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes it certainly maintains a high level of suspense and keeps you guessing right to the end.You will watch this movie thinking that its a right load of predictable tosh but if you watch it right to the end it certainly delivers.
‘Reeker’ doesn’t start well. A family are driving down a desert highway, and the little boy is so nauseating, the viewer is instantly longing for him to come to a sticky end. Sadly, while his mother and father (and dog) are duly despatched after hitting a deer with the family car, the little angel’s demise is unrecorded.
In the end, only Gretchen and Jack survive their meeting with Reeker. As they are driven away by the police, they see their camper van on its side, the remains of their friends’ bodies scattered around it. Despite the creature’s attempts to kill them, they could not die because they didn’t cry in the original crash. The film doesn’t go out of its way to explain the true nature of Reeker, nor the unfortunate events that befall the luckless travellers; the tale is enigmatic but well worth your time.