A modern-day take on the classic 1970s comedy The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, this contemporary sitcom shows the 21st Century to be just as frustrating, ludicrous and tedious for Reggie Perrin, a sales executive teetering hilariously and precariously on the edge of sanity. Reggie's realisation that he has worked at male-grooming firm, Groomtech, for 10 years leaves him feeling increasingly frustrated and alienated. His teacher wife Nicola (Fay Ripley) is too busy for him and the daily commute and sheer tedium of his nine-to-five existence soon takes its toll. Reggie starts to lose himself in increasingly vivid and surreal flights of fancy. Before long, Reggie begins to unravel and say what he really thinks to his wife, his boss, his fellow commuters... and, most dangerously of all, to his new colleague, the beautiful Jasmine Strauss.
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