Essentially a melodramatic family drama played out against a backdrop of a dystopian sci-fi horror, where organ trading is the hottest commodity. For some reason everyone is dressed in goth outfits and sings, relentlessly. The music isn't particularly memorable, and after an hour the endless singing does start to wear thin, but it does add to the overall bizarre feel, which is the film's strongest selling point. I'm not sure I'd ever want to watch this again, but I have to admire it's willingness to go full-on bonkers, and for that alone it's entertaining enough.
Really good film, quite graphic in places but certainly not your average slice and dice type movie. Actually has a proper story line that it concentrates on.
The guy who plays the grave robber in it, I could have sworn he was Dr Haze from Circus of Horrors, however after looking at the credits it isn't him.
If you have ever seen Circus of Horrors and liked their show, you will love this, or if you like the game Bioshock this has a similar story line in places with the grave robber robbing the drug from people the same way that the children rob Eve from the dead people in Bioshock.
Really good enjoyable movie, good music throughout as well keeps it lively and entertaining.