Disturbing, graphic and at times heatbreaking.
- Requiem for a Dream review by CP Customer
Requiem for a Dream is a stark, graphic and disturbing depiction of the horrific fall into the abyss of drug addiction. Set in Brooklyn's Coney Island the story surrounds a trio of young drug addicted adults who find their dreams slowly dissolving as their heroin habits increase and their existence becomes more sordid. Overall, 'Requiem for a Dream' is not a pretty film and at times very hard to watch, but it's extremely effective in elaborating how drugs destroy the hopes and dreams of the story's main characters.
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Not for the squeamish
- Requiem for a Dream review by BE
Very little story, mainly a scenario around drug addicts and their 'habit' destroying their lives. Understood what they were going thru but to all intents, they had very self absorbed and narrow vision and not really deserving of empathy. That besides, it was very well acted. Excellent direction from Darren Aronofsky, albeit with reminiscences of Train Spotting and Sunset Boullevard.
1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Drug film
- Requiem for a Dream review by CP Customer
Drug abuse, mental and physical deterioration - you get the point, not exactly family viewing! Superb acting from actors you normally would see in quite different roles - no sunny boy Jared Leto here (or girl Jennifer Connelly) - sure it's always hard to get healthy Hollywood actors look right for this sort of job, but make-up did a good job and the actors are excellent.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Despite some stark imagery & moving performances, this is not the masterpiece it is said to be
- Requiem for a Dream review by Timmy B
When I heard about this film, it was spoken about in almost revered terms: a masterpiece as well as a true descent into hell. But watching it, the main thought I had was boredom. It took me a while to actually understand what was going on, getting my head around the huge number of cuts & narrative choices, then when I did start to get on board with it, my attention was frequently wandering. There is absolutely some profound imagery, as well as impactful performances from all the main cast, however this doesn't solve anywhere close to the number of issues this film has.
As it starts to be layered on too thickly, the ultimate example of "more is better" not actually being the case, we are subjected to seeing these characters's descent into hell up close & personal. Except they never are that profound, because I never related to any of them on anything more than a superficial level. As in, it was simply looking at desperate people in bad situations and thinking "Oh, that's horrible!" And combined with that was the feeling that the filmmakers were over my shoulder cackling & saying "Look how much we are torturing these people!"
I don't doubt for many this is a massively impactful film. But it's desperation to shock then becomes it's downfall.
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