In this delightful musical adventure, Don Bluth, the creator of the animated classics 'An American Tale' and 'The Land Before Time' combines live action and animation in a fast paced tale of friendship, courage and rock-n-roll. Chanticleer is a song filled farmyard rooster who raises the sun every morning with his crow, reads Edmond, in his story book. One day Chanticleer is prevented from crowing and to his dismay sees the sun come up without his help! Ridiculed by his farmyard friends, the downcast and dejected rooster leaves the farm to seek his fortune in the big city. Edmond's storybook fantasy becomes a real adventure when flood waters threaten to destroy his home on the farm - only Chanticleer can stop the rain by bringing up the sun. So Edmond and an unlikely team of friends set off on a dangerous journey to the city in a toy-box sailboat to search for him and save the farm against all the odds.
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