"Rush" follows the lives of members of the prestigious Tactical Response team (TR), which is based on the real life Victoria Police Critical Incident Response Team, a highly mobile unit that fills the operational gap between general duties police and the SWAT-like Special Operations Group. The team is seen responding to violent incidents such as carjackings, suicides and armed offences. Rush focuses on the TR officers, their intelligence officer, Leon Broznic (Samuel Johnson) and Superindendent Kerry Vincent (Catherine McClements), head of the TR administration. It explores both the working and personal lives of the team...An attack on a police helicopter and a series of car bombings appear to be unrelated events until it emerges that they form part of an elaborate attempt to rob a cash-holding facility...TR fall into the clutches of darkness as they chase a murderer across a desolate island. As they attempt to restore order, one of their own becomes victim to the island's mysterious power...
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