In the peaceful town of Yukimachi in Shibiru City, one man is about to change everything. This man's name is Masayoshi Hazama. During the day, masayoshi is an up and coming fashion model who has idolized SFX (tokusatsu) heroes since his childhood. One evening, Masayoshi decides that he will actually become a hero of justice and makes his debut as "Samurai Flamenco". So begins the story of a new hero who hopes to stand up against all the evils of the world!
This disc includes the following episodes: 1. Samurai Furamenko, debyû! 2. Kasa ga nai 3. Furamenko VS nise Furamenko 4. Aidoru jûrin 5. Seigi towa - Special Features
Disc 2:
This disc includes the following episodes: 6. Samumenko o tsukamaero! 7. Chenji za wârudo 8. Môkô! Aku no gundan 9. Aragaenu noruma 10. Kessen! Teki no kichi 11. Furomu Biyondo
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