Rent Seed (2007)
1.8 of 5 from 56 ratings
1h 26min
Me and my hubby both love a good horror - and im afraid this wasn't one of the good ones. A serial killer - Seed - survives the electric chair and comes back for revenge (wont go too much into it as to spoil it) although he never has any kind of emotions in other instances. I would say it is watchable if you really haven't got anything else to do. Otherwise I would steer clear. For gore lovers, it has plenty of this - but as for plot and storyline - it isn't very creative. I must admit that they try to make Seed very much like 'Jason' from the Jason horror films - very strong and no positive emotion towards human life.
Also - the film seems to be over as soon as it starts and may leave you feeling a little disappointed at the end.