The Story of 'Shallow Ground' revolves around a small town police station which is in the process of closing down. As its employees are packing up, everything is thrown into disarray when a young man, naked and drenched in blood walks into the office. The young man seems to be suffering from amnesia and has no idea who or where he is, or why he is covered in blood. After taking a sample from the blood on his body, the blood test reveals the blood is from the unresolved murder of a local girl a year earlier and the police then realise they have a real mystery on their hands. Overall this is a pretty good indie horror film, with a clever story, some great make-up effects, and incredibly well made. My only criticism is that the plotline takes too long to unfold, in the first half of the film, although creepy, seems a little drawn out, and in the last half feels overly rushed, but that aside, if you're a fan of supernatural horror, 'Shallow Ground' is well worth a look.