Ho, ho, ho a Stephen King oldie, it shows its age for sure. No subtlelty, no padding out the story line with irrelevancies, no extravagance on special effects, nothing arty about it. It quickly cuts to the chase and if you can allow for its age and low budget B movie style it's thoroughly enjoyable.
This Stephen King scripted film shows the author at his goofiest, with a central premise so bizarre it's difficult to imagine this project getting greenlit without such a big name behind it. It's actually pretty well directed, and Twin Peaks fans will enjoy Madchen Amick putting in a good turn as the heroine. As for the script? Vampires allergic to cats; shapeshifters with the power to make cars transform or turn invisible; a cop who drives around with his feline sidekick; a side serving of mother and son incest - at every angle this is nuts. Leave your brain at the door however, and it's possible to have some fun with this movie - I refuse to believe that any film where a character is stabbed to death with a cooked corn cob doesn't have it's tongue firmly in its cheek.
When did I laugh hardest?
When mr fallows runs into a tree. Some of the worst editing ever
When Tanya puts her hand up in class and her interpretation of a story was “I liked it”
Alice Krige breaking cats necks
Officer Andy
If you like the room or troll 2, you’ll like this