Somersault revolves around the character of Heidi, a sixteen year old girl who leaves home after being caught in bed with her mother's boyfriend. On the promise of a job she heads to a nearby snowy mountain town called Jindabyne, though when she arrives she finds the job has fallen through. Looking for a job and somewhere to live she befriends a local guy, who himself is battling his own personal problems. For a small Australian indie film 'Somersault' has received a lot of attention, but for the life of me I have no idea why. Although I love slow paced low key indie films, even I found this to be one of the most boring and uninteresting films ever I've seen. While it attempts to look at the struggles of a teenager running away from home to find some inner peace, it fails to engage you as a viewer because as it plods along at a painfully slow pace, nothing much happens, even as a character study it fails as none of the characters have any depth. That aside, the cinematography is pretty, the acting decent enough, but with such a weak story, wooden and clichéd dialogue and one dimensional characters it doesn't make much of a film.