A team of detectives investigates stalkers in Los Angeles...Beth (Maggie Q) and Jack (Dylan McDermott) search for a stalker with an affinity for fire; Beth meets with an exasperated college student, who claims his former roommate is aggressively harassing him...The team investigate a teenage girl, who had a stalker break into her house, and soon realize she's not the one being targeted; Perry (Erik Stocklin) pays Beth an unsolicited visit at work... A few days before Halloween, a girl is attacked at a costume store, with the resulting case revolving around the house the girl and her best friend have moved into, which is allegedly haunted...After a series of harrowing attacks befall two seemingly random victims, the TAU desperately searches for a connection between them before the elusive stalker strikes again...The estranged wife of a high-profile athlete is terrorized by a stalker, which may be connected to her tell-all memoir, which is soon to be published. Meanwhile, Janice helps Beth by investigating Perry...In the series finale, Beth, Jack, Vicki (Mira Sorvino) and the rest of the TAU team continue their search for a serial killer, and Vicki learns some startling information about her ex-husband.
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