Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists...Rex, Cody, and Clone Force 99 (an unorthodox, elite squad also known as the Bad Batch), look to recover the Republic's strategy algorithm from Admiral Trench, but a haunting truth awaits...After leaving the Jedi Order, Ahsoka finds herself in the underworld of Coruscant where she meets aspiring pilot, Trace Martez. Enlisted by Trace's sister, Rafa, to help build dangerous droids, Ahsoka opts to keep her Jedi past a secret...Ahsoka leads Republic clones to confront Maul's forces on Mandalore. Maul senses the impending chaos and makes a calculated play to ensure his own survival...Ahsoka and Rex must use their wit and skills to survive the turbulent end of the Clone Wars...
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