Rent Storm Over Asia (1928)

3.7 of 5 from 66 ratings
2h 5min
Rent Storm Over Asia (aka Potomok Chingis-Khana) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
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It is 1918. An elderly Mongol lies gravely ill in his yurt while a lama says prayers in an attempt to aid his recovery. His son prepares to go the market in his place to sell his father's season's trapping, including a very valuable silver fox pelt. On leaving, the avaricious lama tries to take the valuable skin and, in the resulting scuffle, drops a talisman. This is found by the superstitious mother who gives it to her son as a lucky charm as he leaves to trade the furs. The western fur traders at the market are protected by the British troops who are occupying the area to protect foreign interests during the disturbances caused by the post-revolutionary civil war.
Taking advantage of the inhabitants' near-poverty, the capitalist fur trader offers only a pittance for the silver fox and a brawl ensues which leads to the son having to escape across llie steppe to the mountains where he encounters and joins the partisans. Two years later he is caught and forced to surrender his belongings. On recognising the word 'Moscow' he is summarily sentenced to be shot. While being taken to his death, a missionary translates the characters found on the silk in which the talisman is wrapped; this confirms the young man as a direct descendant of Genghis Khan. Although severely wounded he is still alive after the 'execution' which had been carried out reluctantly. The general decides that, as Genghis Khan is still held in high esteem in the area, his 'descendant' should be saved and made the puppet ruler. This is a political blunder of major proportions as the local chiefs not only offer him their veneration but also the services of their fighting men. With his new position of power he transforms into a revolutionary and, with the aid of these forces, clears the landscape of both the exploiters and occupiers in a breathtaking climax.
I. Inkizhinov, I. Dedintsev, , , , , V. Pro, , Karl Gurnyak, Bilinskaya, Anel Sudakevich,
Osip Brik, I. Novokshenov
Potomok Chingis-Khana
Classics, Drama
A History of Soviet Silent Cinema, Battleship Potemkin At 100, A Brief History of Film..., Top 10 Best Last Films: World Cinema
Release Date:
Run Time:
125 minutes
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
B & W
  • 'Introduction to Storm over Asia'

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