It follows Dex Parios (Cobie Smulders), a strong, assertive, and unapologetically sharp-witted army veteran working as a P.I. in Portland, Oregon...Dex faces off against Artie Banks (Donal Logue) to take down a wealthy real estate mogul named Randall Tapper (Robb Derringer). Meanwhile, Detective Cosgrove (Camryn Manheim) leads an investigation to find a prisoner on the loose named Wallace Kane (Colin Cunningham)...Dex goes undercover as a high school substitute teacher after an old classmate of hers enlists her help to find out who planted drugs on her daughter. Meanwhile, Dex and Liz's (Monica Barbaro)'s relationship gets too close for comfort...Dex goes undercover as a potential buyer to help Hoffman (Michael Ealy) and Grey (Jake Johnson) with the next phase of their drug case. Meanwhile, Dex unexpectedly becomes close to a fellow veteran support group member and soon discovers they have more in common than they thought. After being left in charge of the Bad Alibi, Ansel (Cole Sibus) struggles to maintain order and enlists Tookie's (Adrian Martinez)'s help...
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