In 2008, a fight over land in a seaside town near Rome spirals into a deadly battle between organized crime, corrupt politicians and the Vatican...Tensions between rival gangs erupt while crime lord Samurai (Francesco Acquaroli) pulls politicians' strings. Three young crooks ally to seize an opportunity...Samurai closes in as Sara (Claudia Gerini) tries to avert a Vatican scandal in return for the commission's votes. Livia (Barbara Chichiarelli) reacts to Manfredi's (Adamo Dionisi)'s move on her territory...Cinaglia (Filippo Nigro) doubles down on his political gamble, and Aureliano (Alessandro Borghi) suffers a dangerous betrayal. Enthused over making a stand, Spadino (Giacomo Ferrara) takes a big risk...Samurai drops the hammer, but Aureliano and Livia resist. Spadino takes charge, Cinaglia charts his future, and Gabriele (Eduardo Valdarnini) faces a crisis of conscience...
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