In this film -- part of the 'Terminator' franchise -- Arnold Schwarzenegger, as the Terminator robot whose role is to protect humans , is pitted against statuesque blonde Kristanna Loken as the T-X, a more advanced Terminator robot bent on mayhem and eradicating the human race. The storyline is built upon the notion that networked machines could, one day, attempt to take over the world and enslave (or destroy) humans. This interesting concept is not developed to any extent, as the film is primarily an action movie inspired by science fiction.
The film is not a masterpiece, but it works very well within the parameters of its specific genre, with dialogues that are often quite funny: A Schwarzenegger is spot-on in his role as the protector robot trying to carry out his mission. The special effects, car chases, fight scenes, etc. are very good. So, for those who enjoy this kind of entertainment, I do recommend the film.