The new adventures of Popeye the Sailor Man and his friends...Popeye, Olive Oyl and Bluto are out for a sail when they are caught in a giant tidal wave and wash up on Goon Island...Popeye's nephews adopt a pet seal named Skipper, and Popeye allows them to keep it under the condition that their pet stays outside the house. However, despite the nephews' best efforts, Skipper keeps sneaking into the house...Popeye and Bluto get into an argument when Bluto won't give Popeye's ball back. When their scuffle gets out of hand and ruins Olive Oyl's ballet recital, it's time for Olive to teach these two a lesson...Marvin Meno has a treasure seeking job for Popeye and Olive Oyl. Marvin's grandfather, the famous Captain Meno, has a collection of rare pearls trapped at the bottom of the ocean...The crazy scientist Dr. Von Blutostein accidentally creates a monster who escapes into town and falls dangerously in love with Olive Oyl...Private Popeye and Private Bluto are volunteered to stay behind to guard the troops' payroll...
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