This Southern American supernatural horror film appears to have been a labour of love for its writer, director, co-producer and star Steve Pullen writes, directs and co-produces this South American horror film. He also uses family members to further bolster the production crew which may be why there is a certain lack of discipline regarding the set-up of certain scenes, especially in the finale. Some of them simply go on for too long, and the sense of tension, or emotion, ends up losing its impact.
Other than that, though, it's difficult to criticise this independent production. As a horror, it works as a slowly evolving mood piece, very character-based. I always argue that if you can get the audience to care about the characters, then you're on your way to making a successful film. Other much more sophisticated (and expensive) films could take a few lessons from 'The Ballerina', because you're invited to care about the characters to such an extent, your eyes are leaking long before the end. As a melancholy horror tear-jerker, I'd give this 9 out of 10.