A satirical drama that kicks off with a shocking domestic murder setting the bar very high and peaking your interest but then ultimately heading down some wrong roads. As a condemnation of a branch of American society where sycophantic executives essentially prostitute themselves to get a good deal or secure a promotion this, for the most part, hits the mark. But when it eventually drifts into mystery story territory it loses its way and the conclusion is disappointing. Jim Cummings, co-director and co-writer, stars as Jordan, a shallow executive constantly putting on airs and graces to ingratiate himself with clients and bosses but who carelessly puts down his employees. He's engaged but still becomes increasingly interested in a strange letter he receives inviting him to a mysterious sexual encounter in a hotel room. Eventually of course he weakens and goes along for a bit of illicit sex but soon the experience has him obsessing over who arranged it all and who was the mystery woman. As an attack on the 'system' and those in thrall to it this has some interest but it's a flawed film that pushes the reactions to infidelity a little too far and deviates into a plot that is unsatisfying.