A big, loud, bloody science fiction film from Russia. There's some excellent special effects on show here in this story set at an unspecified time in the future. A sudden blackout across the world occurs except for an area in eastern Russia and the baltic states. Expeditions into the blackout area finds only corpses and any deep penetration results the team being lost. Eventually a military operation into the 'zone' is attempted after contact is made with a strange alien who may or may not be a friend to the survivors. Plenty of gutsy action and a quite interesting story makes for a rather entertaining film, it's overly long and suffers a bit from a lack of tighter editing but overall it's a film to try. The influences of Aliens (1986 and including the art of H.R. Giger), Edge of Tomorrow (2014) and Stephen King's novel The Stand and the zombie genre in general are very obvious. There's themes here of the origins of humanity and man's predilections towards war and violence which are wrapped up in a clever idea. One to try if you're into action scifi.