Rent The Cat in the Bag (aka Cat in the Sack / Le chat dans le sac) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental

The Cat in the Bag (1964)

3.9 of 5 from 45 ratings
1h 14min
Not released
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Claude (Claude Godbout) is a young Quebecois journalist living in Montreal. He's alienated and unhappy with contemporary society; he can't change it and at the same time he doesn't want to simply compromise and accept it the way it is. It bothers him that his anglophone, Jewish girlfriend Barbara (Barbara Ulrich) is less philosophical than he is and is more concerned with her theater career than sharing his concerns about social issues. The tension with Barbara and conflicts with his editors causes Claude to leave the city and travel to a remote cabin in the countryside. There he reflects on his predicament and in his isolation he finds his ties to Barbara gradually loosening...
Barbara Ulrich, Claude Godbout, Manon Blain, , Jean-Paul Bernier, André Leblanc, Paul-Marie Lapointe, Jean-V. Dufresne, Pierre Maheu
Gilles Groulx
Cat in the Sack / Le chat dans le sac
Release Date:
Not released
Run Time:
74 minutes

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