Great cast, stunning scenery though as dull as dishwater. Only someone like Michael Winterbottom could take a potentially good script and cast and then turn it into such a dull film.
As the credits state, this is 'inspired by' The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy, so it was a stroke of genius to cast Natasha Kinski here who made such an impression in TESS from the early 1970s (she IS Tess).
A great cast, but lots of flab on the script and direction.
I was in the right mood to watch this to be honest, just let it wash over me, and I do like snowy landscapes - most of this film is that, so I was happy!
The film cuts back and forth between the 'present' and past without any signposts or titles saying 'X years ago' or dates to viewers have to be aware of that.
Lots of mumbling as in so many of these films.
Slow, but watchable, and great if you like snow! 3 stars
As always Mullan is superb but even he can't save this. There's just nothing here, the film is as much a cold slog for the viewer as for the frontiersmen in the (nonexistent) story. I'll admit i'm not interested in the history of the gold rush/ American pioneers and I've never been a fan of the western so if anyone is this is probably worth watching.