"The Courtroom" is a British legal drama created by Phil Redmond, which aired between June and December 2004...A case of a depressed mother who has drawned her own baby...Ralph Gordon complied with his wive wishes and helped her to die however, he now finds himself on trial for her murder. With his daughter, Samantha, against him can he convince the jury of his innocence?...Pub landlord Steven Smith is charged with biting his chef Brian White after an angry dispute involving Smith's ravernous dog. But there's food for thought when the court learns Smith's dog had been deliberately fed with spicy chillies...Financial advisor Edward Palmer has struck William Shawcross in the face, yet stands charged not just with assault but also outraging public decency - thanks to the fact he wasn't wearing any clothes at the time. Taking down his particulars is about to prove tricky...A court hears about a hot air ballon ride that turned into a nightmare...
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