The show follows the World War II exploits of a group of military prisoners turned soldiers. The soldiers were led by the tough as nails Lt. Danko (Ben Murphy) who assigned each squad member a place based on their abilities...Lt. Danko recruits a new Dirty Dozen to destroy a German radar installation located inside a hospital...The Dozen are sent to Yugoslavia to destroy a mine vital to the German war effort. However, the local partisans are "unusual"...The Dirty Dozen are sent to occupied Yugoslavia to kill a high ranking German officer who is due to take over the defense of Italy. The allies don't want that to happen as the officer is considered second only to Rommel in his abilities...Paris, 1943. The Dozen must rescue a brave radio broadcaster who has been performing shows in drag for the Nazis whilst secretly sending messages to the allies. Caught by the Gestapo, they had begun forcing him to instead broadcast their propaganda in exchange for his baby daughter's life...
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