One never knows what, indeed who might turn up in episodes of the Edgar Wallace Presents... series.
In the final series there is an item, Game for Three Losers which largely turns around a very-Sixties office from which a tea merchant runs his business while also making appearances as an MP in the Commons (and its nearby restauants). He is none other than Michael Gough, complete with umbrella and hat, and given to a gait which at times resembles that of Kenneth Williams.
With one secretary leaving to get married, he takes on a temporary one, Toby Robins, a beguiling woman who accepts invitations to dinner but all the while a blackmailer has his claws into her.
A familiar scene, one might say, and so it is, but this is very well played. Unlike many an episode, there is no gunfire, chair-wielding fights and large black cars hurtling along London streets or country lanes. A small-scale drama, complete with a country-house lawn and labradors - and a sad saloon bar.