Probably no surprise that I prefer this to the second film (which this one ignores) but would it be sinful to say I actually preferred this just a bit more than the first? No it isn't perfect and I would like to see the original version that Blatty filmed but I just found it so much more engrossing than the original film while also being more tense, slightly scarier and featuring a lead character I could invest in. The few scenes involving both George C. Scott and Ed Flanders are funny, it is well shot, the plot though uneven due to the obvious reshoots is wholly entertaining, the casting is a good choice, I like the score and the script was mostly solid.
It was an ok horror film but it still lacks alot from the first film , but it is better than this second film which was terrible.
A slightly jumbled but highly atmospheric and genuinely unsettling horror thriller of faith, friendship and menacing surroundings.