Just my thoughts - others will disagree!
- The Farthest review by CG
I thought the film was interesting - albeit it could have been somewhat condensed. There's an awful lot of - here we are at NASA 'Ra'Ra'Ra'........
This is understandable given the subject matter - what the satellites have achieved is truly, and quite literally, out of this world!
But the film could achieve the same message, in a shorter format - and probably impact the viewer even more!
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Decent documentary on a stellar subject.
- The Farthest review by MF
Brilliant pictures, especially of Jupiter and Uranus's satellite Miranda, but too many "talking heads". This could have done with a simple voice-over. There was too much emphasis on the Golden Record which, in my opinion, is a total waste of time. I agree with another viewer who said this could be shorter and have more impact. But it is worthwhile for any fan of astronomy and astrophysics.
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A fantastic documentary
- The Farthest review by CP Customer
A documentary worth watching, mesmerising pictures of the Solar System, although it could do with less interviewing of random people. I agree with the above review, shorter and more precise.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
History of the Voyager Mission
- The Farthest review by Peter B
I really enjoyed this film and found it very interesting. Something I recall vaguely as a teenager but clarified exactly the excitement and sense of discovery of this unique mission which was only possible because of the particular alignment of our planets at that period of time.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
Stunning picture
- The Farthest review by SM
Was not expecting much of this documentary but I actually really enjoyed it. Was very interesting and the picture was stunning almost looked 4K at times. Worth a watch
0 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
infinity beckons
- The Farthest review by NH
A very informative documentary that captures both the extraordinary complexity of the mission and the excitement of the scientific community.
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