This was probably better seen in 3D in the cinema. On DVD it is obvious where the effects have been put in for 3D effect but they look really bad. Putting 3D sequences in just because you can is not good enough. They should blend with the film and look less computer generated. This is not a patch on the previous films.
Fans of gore-fest cinema such as the SAW franchise, will probably love this film, but I found it way too gory for my taste, in fact I had to look away several times. I loved the first two films, but don't remember them ever being as detailed in visualisation as this one. And by that I mean, wen someone gets chopped in half you see it all in very close up detail, all the blood, guts etc. Which to my mind ruined the film. because I like real horror, as in horror that plays on the senses, that doesn't need to show you the details because it plays with your mind. All this out right gore does nothing for me and most films of this genre have very title in the way of cinematography, acting, direction etc, they simply rely on the gore to sell themselves, and sadly this film has fallen into that trap also! It it wasn't quite so gory the it could have been a decent film, but I feel that this franchise is fast running out of ideas and offers nothing new. In fact all the deaths have been done before and there is nothing new, original or creative about this film at all, from my viewpoint. sadly disappointing!!