Dated but worthwhile madcap humour
- The Gods Must Be Crazy I and II review by CP Customer
This screwball comedy shows us the innocent side of Africa from a 1980s mindset.
The film is shot in a fast and fun way, with a variety of film styles helping to keep the viewer engrossed in a wildly amusing story.
Also shows a great range of Botswanan scenery - one to watch for a little light relief.
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Great fun
- The Gods Must Be Crazy I and II review by RCO
From the mock cheesy travelogue voice over at the beginning to it all turning out alright in the end this is a gem of a comedy.
It also manages to be a satirical commentary on many aspects of our western world and a glimpse of bushman life and Southern Africa scenery (but you might want to fact check the gem about rhinos and fire before repeating it as gospel!)
Although made in 1980, S.Africa then was probably equivalent to the UK in the mid 60s or earlier in terms of social attitudes - so don't be put off by what today looks very unsophisticated and unPC comedy - accept it for what it is and laugh out loud with it.
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Not funny, rather pathetic
- The Gods Must Be Crazy I and II review by RR
I know its dated but this film patronises everyone it depicts. Not satire. Not amusing. Not what I remember of Botswana when I was there in the mid 1970's.
1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Quirky and heartwarming
- The Gods Must Be Crazy I and II review by MH
I was not expecting a movie as good as this when I sat down to watch and I was enraptured. All the actors were really good, including the children. I'm not a person who laughs a lot, usually a broad grin is high praise of humour for me and I'm not amused by slapstick,, but I laughed out loud many times during the course of the action. You would have to be entirely without imagination not to love this movie.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
I haven't stopped laughing yet
- The Gods Must Be Crazy I and II review by CP Customer
I haven't enjoyed a film as much as this for I don't know how long. My husband and I watched it together and we had to wipe the tears away, it was so funny.
I can't recommend it too highly. Very British, makes a change from American overstatement.
I dislike slapstick; though I relished the moments in this film that were pure slapstick, but very gently done.
I bought the DVD for friends and family as I know they'll enjoy it as much as we did.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
Ancient but querky
- The Gods Must Be Crazy I and II review by JD
On the DVD it states 1980 for part 1, it feels older. It draws freely from contrasting genres. Natural history narration leads to satirical comedy back to slap stick with moments of pathos. Loved every minute especially the bonus features. Too non-PC to have been made within the last 10 years.
0 out of 1 members found this review helpful.