This ABC show takes place in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania in the 1980s and follows the lives of a family named The Goldbergs...It's Adam's 16th birthday, but his parents are too distracted by Barry and Lainey's engagement and Erica's band ambitions to remember their youngest son's big day. But the situation presents an opportunity for Adam to ask Erica to put him on the high school social map. Meanwhile, Beverly thinks she can scare Barry and Lainey straight with the reality of being adults...Barry realizes that as a future doctor, he should be more concerned about Murray's health, so he enlists the Jenkintown Posse and Coach Mellor to help get his father in shape...Adam unintentionally lets it slip that Barry never completed his community service requirement; Erica makes plans for her and Geoff to follow the Grateful Dead all summer; the JTP graduates from high school...
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