I was surprised to learn that this was made in 2003, because to me it feels more like something from the late 80's to mid 90's! Although it's an ok film, there is nothing special about it, it's more of a Sunday afternoon film for the kids to watch, than a Saturday night big movie. Apparently this did much better in Europe than it did in America and I can't help wonder if the mixed race relationship theme possibly held it back in the states, because it is well known that race is still a big issue out there, whereas here in Europe audiences are much more relaxed and cosmopolitan about this, but I do take my hat off to Disney for attempting to deal with the issue! Not overly funny nor scary either, nor is it an original theme, but if this had come out in the 80's then it probably would have been a bigger hit, but by 2003 it all just felt a little bit dated!
Not one of Eddies best , im affraid this was an easily forgetable movie ... sorry .... watchable but not great. Make your own mind up !