The story of 'The Hills Have Eyes' revolves around an average middle class suburban family, who after becoming lost and stranded in the New Mexico desert, are then stalked and hunted by family of mutant cannibals who live in the surrounding hills. After seeing lacklustre remakes of classic horror films such as 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', 'Dawn Of The Dead' and 'The Amityville Horror' I was somewhat sceptical about this film and was prepared to be disappointed, though I have to admit to absolutely loving every minute of it. Alexandre Aja's remake adds new characteristics to the story, superior special effects, and an excellent soundtrack while managing to be reasonably faithful to Wes Cravens 70's original film. With superb direction Aja cleverly uses the first half of the film to pull you in and build up the tension, and then with the second half unleashes an avalanche of horrific violence and brutality which lasts right up to the closing credits. 'The Hills Have Eyes' is a vicious, first rate gore soaked film in which people aren't killed, they're slaughtered. If you're a fan of horror films then this is an absolute must see.