Laughing out aloud at the puerile humour feels like a guilty pleasure. This comedy is just gross but I'd seen the first film, so what did I expect to be different in the second? Actually, it's kinder, the characters are portrayed as more likeable in their various inept ways. But it's still gross humour!
I never expect much from a comedy sequel, but I was pleasantly surprised!!
If you enjoyed the first movie a have no doubt that you will love this one just as much, the film feels completely different and fresh, although I'm not sure why as it's all of the same stuff we love about the Inbetweeners. Cringe fest!!
Maybe I'm getting long in the tooth but I'm afraid I don't found this type of toilet humour the least bit funny, gave up after half hour.
Despite the fact the characters and cast visit my home of Australia in this film, there is no way I can give this film more than one out of five stars. I even considered giving it zero, but the system wouldn’t let me. There is nothing redeemable about this film, and I feel the funding could have been much better spent.
This film follows the four - rather unlovable - lads: Neil, Will, Simon, and Jay. When Jay invites them to join him on his gap year vacation in Australia, they jump at the chance, eager to rekindle the sexual exploits of their past - much of which they lost after leaving school. As you would expect, their adventures don’t exactly turn out like they originally planned, and they begin to fight. Despite Will wanting to do something cultural while in the Land Down Under, the other boys - not men - only want sex and alcohol.
Need I repeat again how much this film is not worth the time put into it? It should come as no surprise that this film only came about because apparent ‘fans’ wanted a sequel to the first one - and a television series. You will not find a compelling story, entertaining characters, or intelligent dialogue.
When it comes to the acting, I must admit that I have absolutely no idea who any of the cast were. They somehow seem to be gaining fans and funds from this series, and I doubt they are talented enough to ever get another role.
Let’s not kid ourselves, experimental and creative filmmaking will not be found in this film. Camera movements were very generic, and not something film-lovers will appreciate.
There is something about this sort of outrageous and smutty humour that seems so popular, and yet I don’t understand it. The dialogue wasn’t witty or smart, and the jokes were cliche at best.
I’m not going to say that every film should be made to be acceptable to me, and I know there are a great deal of fans who find this series riveting, but it is the level of disrespect the cast and crew must have for women that is disgusting. Without going into detail, the behaviour and opinions were awful, and it scares me that people actually think this way.
Somehow, The Inbetweeners 2 has received quite positive reviews. Online and in-print reviews have stated acclaim for their smutty humour, with the film being an adequate progression from the popular television series. There are still those that support my views, but more for the contrary, unfortunately.
All in all, this is ninety minutes I found utterly wasted. The language and content is definitely not for young audiences, and I implore people to visit Australia and see for themselves that we are nothing like this film portrayed.